Wednesday 5 March 2014

Evening Games (Satellite, 2004)

Here's another excellent epic by Satellite, from Poland. "Evening Games" is the title track of their 2004 album and has all I like in a (neo) prog song. Let's see: many mood and tempo changes, atmospheric and heavy passages, beautiful keyboards, an excellent guitar work, effective and passionate vocals. Should I ask for more? Well, there is more. Actually, there are very well found melodies and some emotional peaks. The technical skills are important, no doubt, but it's only when a tack moves me that I'm compelled to listen to it again and again.

"Evening Games" was the second album by Satellite.

This happened with "Evening Games" and its 16:45 minutes litterally fly away in the blink of an eye. Those guys know how to mix old and familiar prog sounds and innovative solutions, bombastic riffs and pastoral paintings. Last but not least, they succeed in keeping such a long song under control, meaning their musical architecture is strong and perfectly planned: each passage finds its place in the big picture. Not so easy, my friends...

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