Tuesday 28 June 2016

The Sorceror (Cyan, 1993)

Derivative music can be an exquisite kind of art if those inspiring themselves never forget to add their own touch to the songs they're composing and playing. Robert Reed actually is a master in this peculiar field. All his projects are linked to the glorious past of prog, but if you listen to them with care you'll recognize the author's own personality. This track opens the album "For King And Country"" and was credited to Cyan, one of the earliest brainchilden of Reed. Its main source of inspiration is Genesis, but you'll also find other references.

"For King And Country" was the debut album by Cyan.

This is exactly what makes Robert Reed a good composer: he never tries to imitate a single track or a single band: he loves the Seventies and he works hard to redo the magic sounds and the mood of the Golden decade of prog. He's a symphonic prog addicted (is he the only one?) and his passionate journey into the world of the old Masters is as lively and moving as rock can be. "The Sorceror" is a pulsing gateway into this colourful time machine.

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