Sunday 30 June 2024

Pigmenti (Celeste, 2024)

Celeste doesn't need any introduction: Ciro Perrino's brainchild has its own place in Italian prog scene and since their reunion back in 2019 they never abandoned their melodic, fairy, charming sound. That said, some of the songs in "Echi di un futuro passato" 2024 album (meaning Past Future's Echoes) open up to some exciting new landscapes. That's the case with the opening track "Pigmenti" (Pigments),where Maestro Perrino and his friends successfully merge the band's traditional melodies with jazz-rock passages. 

Degrassi and Mazzeo created this stunning cover art.

Sure, Perrino isn't new at such a taste: he was part of one of the most underrated Italian fusion bands, namely Il Sistema, between 1969 and 1971, but he never dared to import those sounds into Celeste's music. He dares here and that's a very big and welcome surprise! You'll find the same theme going through different treatments: the opening jazz arrangement, a melodic rendition and even an orchestral, symphonic version followed by guitar, sax and keyboard solos! Well done... and beautiful. Not to mention the sweet  sung section and the perfect performances of each musician. Once more, thank you Celeste for being there!