Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Monumentum Valley (Tompox, 2012)

Hungarian band Tompox have a peculiar career: founded by ex bass player of Solaris Tamás Pócs as a live act intended to play Omega repertoire, they gradually found their own way and released new materials. This suite, coming from their debut album "Hungarian Eclectic" perfectly represents the keyboard-based kind of prog those musicians like. Relaxing themes and atmospheric passages rule this epic (and most of Tompox songs) creating a fluid and enjoyable stream of music well supported by a lively rythm section and enriched by a rough electric guitar.

Tompox were born around 2008 and released this album in 2012.

The suite is divided into two parts and I especially like it when Ádám Tasi's flute draws delicate and airy soundscapes and, of course, when Pócs' bass guitar comes in, breaking or enhancing the synth melodies. All in all, the track is never boring nor redundant and it provides a diversified and joyful way to spend 18 minutes or so.